Tuesday, August 8

Today was fun! Me Johan Alia and Sarah Johan, Alia, Sarah and I went to watch Click. That gay Jeshua ditched us. HAHA. Click is a great movie! Something like a typical Jack Neo "Make you laugh, cry, then laugh again" type of movie. Definitely worth watching, despite the rather cliched ending. Really superfreakingoffthehookamazingouttathisworld-ly worth my vote. (:

Which leaves lake house and tokyo drift, two movies I wanna watch. (x

At this point, I really want:
- to watch the two abovementioned movies. without having to share the nachos! O:
- an mp3 player
- a 24h nap
- to study. I really want to alright. I just can't get myself to.
- my NFSMW back!
- eat BBQ seafood. lots and lots of chilli. (:
and last but not least,
- A UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL. -,-||||||||| haha.

If you had a remote control like whathisname-Newman, I'm sure you would use it with more caution than he did. (: if you're intrigued, go watch the movie. I plead you. ^^

Happy National Day! Singapore is 41th years old tomorrow, and I'm only 9! -awe-

This is my 50th post in this blog. Haha. In like 8 months too. Failure failure me. HEY, I'M NOT LIKE YOU ACTIVE BLOGGERS YA. I HAVE A LIFE. No offense. (:

I really miss y-hope! Bet you guys in ED1 miss me too! (: haha. Shameless me.

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